Health sector is service industry and the interlinked pharmacy industry occupies the same branch. Do you think these two sectors are holding their hooks to the branches of the service sector? It is only permitted to the reading definition of the books. Practicality moved them far away from the service sector. They have turned out to be expensive and the increased clinical research costs stand as one of the main reasons behind the issue.

I believe there need for a constant and steady approach to cut down the costs of these clinical research and benefit three of them, the public, the investigator and pharmacy industry ( the sponsor) as well.
Fair market value is defined accepted amount at which the seller is ready to sell and the buyer is ready to buy. This has to be achieved in every stage of the clinical trial process right from the investigator compensation to funding the resources. There are few clinical trial cost benchmarking companies to help the pharmacies to travel in the directed route and achieve the target.
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