An extremely high proportion of eating disorder (ED) patient does first encounter some kind of anxiety condition, a new Australian survey has discovered.
The research of 152 affected individuals — 100 eating dysfunction (in and out) sufferers and 52 depression patients — not only verified a high occurrance of eating and anxiety disorder comorbidity, but discovered that 65 % of ED inpatients and 75 % of ED outpatients confirmed an actual anxiety disorder ahead of ED start.

The clinicians from Sydney University and the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital said the results presented significant “aetiological and helpful implications” for “improving the clinical performance of therapies for eating disorders”.
Needless to say, social phobia plenty was “particularly high” and ended up being the most commonly-diagnosed depression at 42 % across all ED subtypes, the scientists said found.
Post-traumatic stress condition (PTSD) was also particularly high, impacting over the quarter of individuals — an outcome the authors found especially fascinating, considering PTSD was regularly excluded from preceding studies. The PTSD plenty rate was likely to be an disregard of right rates “given almost 19 % of women revealing experience of trauma were unable to proceed evaluation on account of distress,” they added.
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